Friday, October 7, 2011

Make Money By Uploading Your Video At YouTube?

BBC News recently reported that YouTube was working on an ad revenue sharing program that will allow video uploaders to get a share of the ad revenue. The exact date has not been decided but the program rollout could begin as quickly as within the next couple of months.

This program could enable video creators to make money each time their videos are watched on YouTube. This idea is not new, other video sharing sites such as Revver already split advertising revenues with their users.

One of the options considered is to show the audience of YouTube video a short advert of three seconds length. I would imagine most users would be more tolerant with this arrangement as compare to the industry standard of 15 to 30 seconds ads.

I also imagine the advertisers would prefer longer time slots and perhaps the ability to have their sponsored message appeared at the end of the video clip where users can click to go to their website.

Then there’s another option they could consider, which is to allow video uploaders the chance to upload their video and “tag” it with their AdSense publisher ID to allow them to make money form AdSense.

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