Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Unveils Facebook Competitor Google+

Has Google just launched its most ambitious project yet?
After years of rumors and hints, Google Tuesday launched a trial of its Facebook competitor, a social network called the Google+ project.
And the company clearly isn't shy about it.
In a blog post announcing the launch of the Google+ Project, Vic Gundotra, senior vice president of Engineering for the company, argued that the subtlety of real world interactions are lost online due to the rigidity of today's tools.
"Online sharing is awkward. Even broken. And we aim to fix it," Gundotra said. Getting there has been a massive effort, explained Wired.
"Emerald Sea, it is a result of a lengthy and urgent effort involving almost all of the company’s products," wrote Steven Levy. "Hundreds of engineers were involved in the effort. It has been a key focus for new CEO Larry Page."
To set Google+ apart from Facebook, which some recent reports have pegged at 750 million users, Google is claiming to have a better approach to privacy, taking on the hot-button issue that has burned both companies before.

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